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July 30, 2020 at 2:03:26 AM


horror-puzzle, ARG, SC, dystopia, found audio

In 2020, two high school friends, Noah and Victoria, come together and start a band called Neris. However, when they begin to release the songs for their first album, strange audio blips start appearing late at night when they're asleep. Curiosity sends them down a spiral of discovery and terror in which they learn there is always more to see.

It appears there's only one album that needs to be played in order to engage with the experience: Trip, at a length of 17 tracks. Certain song titles are definite calling cards for the puzzle-solving curious.

There's also an associated Twitter account ( that shows activity from Noah and Victoria chronicling their own discovery of the oddities in their first album, as well as some scary events recently in the making of their next piece.

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