Mysterious Nashville
2/24/23, 8:00 PM

mystery-puzzle-humor, ARG, website, community, live elements
Through a series of real-life discoveries, people in Nashville, TN were introduced to the organization that is Mysterious Nashville. The Messengers that respond to players' messages claim that they exist to curate and provide odd experiences to those open-minded enough to seek them out. Mysterious Nashville is a chance for the curious to embrace confusion, and just go on physical adventures for adventure’s sake. They are here for our benefit.
It didn't take long for participants to learn that this organization is not always as in control as they claim to be. In the past, participants were offered the opportunity of interdimensional visitation until one young man named Jacob was mistakenly sent to the wrong dimension, and to this day he is seeking a way home. More recently, several disappearances of Mysterious Nashville employees hinted at another malevolent force that sought to interfere with the offerings that MN was bringing to the people of Nashville.
The "Odd Things" happening in Nashville have online components and puzzle solving required, but often integrate in-person exploration of the city to locate clues, passwords, and objects of importance. Comparisons have been made to geocaching and treasure hunting, yet there are some more involved explorations which require interaction with mysterious figures in the city, or gathering as a group and collaborating as a community.
Mysterious Nashville has been silent for some time now but their Messengers remain responsive, providing the response of "There is always more to come."
Most sincerely,
The Assistant to the Orchestrators
Archives: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1x3aQJXSTVhGswlJ-wCODjAV6bj4P1t8z5cBX2x-KJvw/edit#heading=h.iw4ectf2u3jo
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/UEnMMVZEwP