Twelve Monoliths
9/6/20, 10:45 AM
mystery-horror-puzzle, ARG, YT, automatic writing, narrator, book crossover
Twelve Monoliths is a multi-season story told from multiple perspectives tasked with the job as Archiver for a mysterious group of paranormal entities known as the Children of the Night. Their crossovers into our reality lend a mysterious air to their goals--but it seems along the way one of the children has taken to hijacking Ryan Geever's YouTube channel during one of his premiered uploads of a BEN DROWNED Analysis video. The events continue as new threats are unveiled and the story draws out the lifeblood of the Twelve Monoliths Book Series.
First Trailhead:
It is comprised of 3 Seasons, with links to the Youtube Playlists, Discord Chapters, and more available on the Twelve Monoliths Wiki: